Our digital checklist is brought to you with the support of Maroondah BizWeek and BizHub Maroondah.
Do you get a lot of email SPAM? SPAMBOTS continually crawl the web looking for uncloaked email addresses displayed on websites.
SSL’s protect sensitive data, builds customer trust and help your site rank higher on search engines.
Security plugins/ components/ extensions are designed to protect your website from the known vulnerabilities hackers use to access your website. They block failed access attempts, change file permissions, strengthens security etc. You would be flabbergasted to see how many nasties are stopped trying to access the admin of your website!
Can you easily restore your site from a recent backup if you make a big mistake? Or update a plugin that conflicts with others and breaks your website? Running regular backups of your site, that you can easily access yourself, protects you from these problems. Your host may also claim to run regular backups but often that support ticket is not as urgent to them as it would be to you and can take a long time to restore your site. You should have your own backup plugin/ extension that you can configure to run regular backups that you can easily access and restore if needed.
These are just the tip of the iceberg for digital safety. If you answered no or I don't know to any of the above questions or have any concerns about your digital safety, you should consider seeking some assistance. We are currently offering a free 15 minute consultation to help you better protect your business.
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